26 Memes and GIFs

26 of the Month's Best Gifs and Memes Captioned! (by me)

No, this post will not make you sneeze, only if you are allergic to FUN!

Secret revealed! Thanks "this picture's maker"!


You loled didn't you?


This is disturbing. Very disturbing!

If you notice, the LOL Guys are cross eyed too!

A new point of view

LUV Attack

It is confirmed! Although the movie will STILL SUCK! What can you do?! ;)


Someone's on the nerve today!

They see me trippin' they hatin'

Bow Horsie Bow Down!

A simple tuck in! Do you see this The Walking Dead writers?

Tro Dog!

Oh no stay up a little longer! This post ends is a bit!

Thank You Cat!

Om nom nom nom

It's a little foggy up here!

And I'm a Caption!

3 Movies in 2 Pictures. ;)

I SAID.... nothing! Awwwwwww

And You Have Ugly Teeth! 

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Thanks DEXTER :)

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